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Mother's Day Gift Drive

Yakima Daniel

Ms Yakima Daniel, Owner and Fashion Designer of the brand Kiwie Dan Couture decided it was time to give back to her community with a Mother’s Day Gift Drive.

“With Mother’s Day approaching, I thought it would be most appropriate to give gifts to the ‘older’ mothers in my community of Keys Village & Canada Estate. I received some community support and was able to take on this initiate on Mother’s Day. I went out on the Sunday afternoon along with my mother- Francina Daniel, my Aunt- Cherri Daniel and friends. This endeavor was made possible to show the mothers that they are still remembered and that we still care. Most of them remember me as a little girl, it’s been years since I have seen some of them and it was really good to visit them and interact. My fondest memory of these ladies were from the days of our Sunday School Christmas programs, they would be there cheering us (the children) on as we did poems, skits and dances - of which they would call for an encore.

Fruit baskets were given to Mrs Anita Hobson, Allison Levine and Mrs Delores Daniel as they are now experiencing health problems and are shut in. Allison was not at home, so her basket was left with one of her caretakers. Kiwie Dan Couture African print outfits which were handmade by myself, were given to seven mothers who are still active and about, namely; Ida Tyson, Audrey ‘Maybel’ Griffin, Ruthlyn Charles, Carmen Stevens, Constance ‘Patta’ Browne, Muriel Elliott, & Doreen Elliott.  Muriel was so happy that she tried on her outfit right away and took photos with us. Viola ‘Y’ Williams received a gift certificate to get an outfit handmade which she said she would use to get an outfit for her 74th birthday in July.

The surprises, the smiles, the laughter, the conversations, the hugs, the kisses; it was all worth it. We had a fun and awesome Mother’s Day afternoon.”

This will now be an annual event by Kiwie Dan Couture. Plans are also in the making to form a community group that will regularly visit the sick and the elderly as no one should be left all on their own.

Check out the pics below  :)



Ms Ida Tyson 
(left to right) My mom- Francina Daniel, Ms Tyson, Myself - Yakima Daniel, my aunt - Cherri Daniel


Mrs Anita Hobson


Ms Audrey 'Maybel' Griffin


Ms Ruthlyn Charles


Ms Carmen Stevens


Ms Constance 'Patta' Browne


Ms Muriel Elliott


Muriel was so happy, she tried on her outfit


Muriel posing in her Kiwie Dan Couture outfit


Muriel posing with our very own news anchor Karla Berridge 


Ms Doreen Elliott


We are taking selfies :)


Ms Viola 'Y' Williams


Oh the hugs :)


Mrs Delores Daniel

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